Markham Endodontic Services

A Healthy Smile for the Rest of Your Life!

It wasn’t too long ago that you would lose a tooth that had a diseased nerve. However, today’s modern root canal therapy dental procedures can help save those teeth as well as save your smile

“Endo” is the Greek word meaning “inside” and “odont” is the Greek word for “tooth.” Therefore, endodontic means treating the inside of your tooth.

Endodontic treatment becomes imperative when the soft tissue inside the root canal known as the “pulp” is infected or inflamed. The infection or inflammation can occur for a number of reasons such as serious tooth decay, frequent dental procedures on the same tooth, or a chip or crack in the tooth.

In addition, tooth pulp can be damaged even when there are no visible cracks or chips in the tooth. If pulp infection or inflammation goes untreated, it becomes painful and can lead to an abscess.

If the tooth doesn’t have enough structure to keep the restoration in place, dentists may have to install a post inside the tooth before it can be restored to full function again. You will need to discuss the specific details concerning the restoration of your tooth with your dentist because every patient’s situation is different and requires professional advice.

How Does an Endodontic Procedure Work?

Endodontic treatment can frequently be completed in just one or two visits to a dentist such as Ajax dentist Dr Nalini Sutharsan. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • An Endodontist visually examines the tooth and takes x-rays of it. After reviewing the x-rays a course of action is decided upon.
  • The Endodontist administers a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding area. A “dental dam” is placed over the tooth to isolate the area and keep it free of enamel debris and saliva during the procedure.
  • The damaged pulp is then cleared from the pulp chamber and the root canals which are then shaped for later filling.
  • When the space has been properly cleaned and shaped, the Endodontist will fill the root canals full of a biocompatible material. Adhesive cement is also used to ensure that the root canal is completely sealed.
  • After the endodontic procedure is completed, you can set further appointments for crowning or other restorative procedure that needs to be done to the tooth to restore it back to full function.